Partner with us!

Summer camps can sometimes feel like an endangered species. Ever-rising costs can make these camp prohibitively expensive. And, if campers cannot afford to come on camp, then the camp inevitably becomes extinct. This is a reality that Cross Word Cape You Camp has to reckon with every year.

However, we cannot let Cross Word die! Not just because it has resulted in fun and friendships for over 20 years but because Cross Word is the place where many teenagers have the opportunity to hear and be transformed by the gospel of Jesus!

So, how can we keep Cross Word going? Well, there are two ways: we need to keep the overall cost of camp down as much as possible, and we need to make it as easy as possible for our campers to afford it.

This is where you can help…


Helping every camper afford the cost

Every year we run a Fund-Razor on the third day of Cross Word. This event is loads of fun, and it raises money for our ‘Camper Support’ Fund. Click here to see some of the highlights of our 2019 Fund-Razor.

Many of our campers come from churches and areas from low-income areas. Understandably, there are very limited fundraising opportunities in these areas. As far as possible we try and partner churches together to overcome this, but this is not always enough. The ‘Camper Support’ fund will help campers with these limited fund-raising opportunities access a discounted rate for camp. 


Bringing down the overall cost of camp

There are several ways that you could partner with us to bring down the overall cost of camp, for all our campers, and thereby help us keep Cross Word going! Here are some of those ways:

General Donations. For example, a donation towards reducing the cost for every camper, or leader on camp. Alternatively, any donation towards the overall costs of camp, which in turn allows us to minimise cost increases.

Earmarked Donations. For example, we need sponsor help towards specific items like our Marquee tent costs, our generators, our sound equipment and our medical kits.

Item Donations. For example, you may be in a position to help with printing, or stationary costs. Or, with physical prizes towards our Fund-Razor event.

If you are able to ‘Save Camp’ in any of these ways, please contact camp director David Hill at

You can give via EFT or online through a secure credit card facility.

Our bank details are:

Name:        Cross Word Cape Youth Camp
Bank:        Standard Bank
Account:     072 898 607
Branch:      051 001
Reference:   'Fund Razor'

Alternatively, you can donate by card:

Monthly donation (you can cancel at any time)

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